The Inter-Club council (ICC) is an all student board consisting of an appointed representative from each official club on campus. The ICC offers a means to collaborate and share ideas that can support both student led initiatives by club members and club development. Participation in the ICC allows clubs to apply for ICC funding and collaborate in collaborative club events.
Participating clubs have access to:
General club questions can be directed to:
Karla Guzman Mohedano, ICC Advisor
ph. (530) 895-2257
Valerie Moser
Zane Lacey
Angelina Heras
ICC meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of the month from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. in person and on Zoom (or until business is concluded).
Online Location:
All Zoom links and meeting schedule can be found on BC Connect.
Zoom accounts are free for participants at
The ICC is governed by the ICC Bylaws and uses Robert's Rules of Order to run meetings.
To add something to the ICC agenda, please log into BC Connect and use the ICC Agenda Item Form.
DEADLINE TO SUBMIT ICC AGENDA ITEMS: Agenda items must be submitted by the Thursday at noon prior to the meeting at which they will be reviewed.
Fall 2024 Meeting Dates |
Date | Agenda | Minutes |
September 3 | Agenda | Minutes |
September 17 | Agenda | Minutes |
October 1 | Agenda | Minutes |
October 15 | Agenda | Minutes |
November 5 | Agenda | Minutes |
November 19 | Agenda | Minutes |
December 3 | Agenda | Minutes |
Spring 2025 Meeting Dates | ||
February 4 | Agenda | Minutes |
February 18 | Agenda | Minutes |
March 4 | Agenda | Minutes |
March 11 *Due to Spring Break | Agenda | Minutes |
April 1 | Agenda | Minutes |
April 15 | Agenda | Minutes |
May 6 | Agenda | Minutes |
Getting Started
Promoting Your Club
Tabling and Equipment
Leaving a Legacy
Club Advisor Expectations
ICC funding proposals need to be e-mailed to the appropriate contacts no later than 11:00 a.m. on the Tuesday before the ICC meeting where it will be considered. Click here for steps on how to request funding.
ICC Agenda Item Form (use for funding requests or action and discussion items)
You may use the ICC logo for publicity purposes.
ICC Logo .jpg
ICC Logo .png
ICC Logo .pdf
Content editor:
Jolie Cole-Barrett
(530) 895-2282